Have a business or holding an event in Vanuatu?
Need a catchy domain with the "vu" country code but you already have a page, video, or full website somewhere else?
No problem!
You can have your-company.in.vu
. . . or your-event.in.vu
. . . or anything-you-like.in.vu
It will be instantly redirected to load YOUR URL which could be a website, a Facebook page, Video or even a Form.
Can be temporary or permanent. Same-business-day setup. Starts working straight away.
Only 2,000 VT for up to a year. (approximately USD20)
Here's an example: apps.in.vu redirects to a page deep in our website that features our app-building work.
Interested? Let's get started!
© Absolute Virtual Ltd (a Vanuatu company)